E-books, E-Audios and more
Up North Digital
You may check out the Up North Digital content by following the link.
NEW: Up North Digital Magazines. You will need to log into your account before you can search the magazines. To search magazine click on the collections button at the top. You can then see all magazines or different categories.
Please call the Library or stop in for help in downloading to your digital device.
Q: How do I return a book early?
A: Kindle: On your Amazon account go to "Manage Your Content and Devices". You will see a list of books that you own and are borrowed from the library. You will need to go to the ACTION button on the left hand side of the screen from the book that you wish to return. Click Return from the drop down menu.
If you have questions feel free to call 231-378-2716.
Need some help with downloading?
Check out this website Up North Digital Quick start guide
PDF of how to download to a mobile device.
PDF of how to Download to Kindle and also for returning books via Kindle.
Reciprocal Borrowing with Libby
Want to add more libraries to your Libby account? The Up North Digital Consortium now has a reciprocal lending agreement with other Michigan consortia to share our digital catalogs! You can watch this video that shows you how to add other libraries to your Libby account.
Borrow titles from any of these collections:
- Great Lakes Digital Libraries
- Download Destination
- Midwest Collaborative for Library Services
- Lakeland Digital Libraries
- Suburban Library Cooperative
- White Pine Library Cooperative
- Metro Net Library Consortium
- Up North Digital Collection (the BVDL belongs to the UP North Digital Collection)
- Woodlands Downloadable Library
These Library consortia will let you add your Betsie Valley District Library account number (Library card number) to their Libby items. Check it out or see the information desk for more information.
Borrow free video, music, and audiobooks with your library card. Enjoy on your PC, tablet, or phone.
To add your card for a partner library:
1. go to MENU (the icon with the three lines in the center bottom of the app)> Add Library
2. Search for the partner library and open it.
3. Tap Sign In With My Card.
4. Under "Partner Libraries," choose Betsie Valley District Library from the list and sign in.
MeL Books and Reading Sources
eBook Collection (You will need to be in the library to access this database)