What We Offer
Our library catalog holds approximately 9,000 materials, including books, audiobooks, movies, large print books, and magazines, all available to you with a valid Library card! If we don't have an item, ask and we will gladly inter-library loan it for you!
Other Services
- We offer to the weekly Benzie County Record Patriot.
- Fax Machine ($1.00 per page to receive, $1.00 per page to send)
- Copier ($0.10 per page for plain text, $0.25 per page for black and white photos, and $1.00 per page for color copies)
- Our catalog is now online! Just call or ask for your library card number and you can create your online account to view items that you have checked-out, reserve items, and renew your items. We have several audio CD books as well as a large collection of Large Print books.
- We offer eBooks, digital movies, magazines, and music through the Up North Digital Collection portal! Patrons living or owning property in Benzie County or Manistee County can access this wonderful collection with their library card number. Ask us to get you started!
- We offer free WiFi! Also, we have four patron computers for you to use, call and let us reserve one for you!
We are a MeLCat Library! You may use your Betsie Valley District Library card number to search the MeL Online Catalog for an item you wish to borrow from another participating library and have it sent to our library for pick up! We can also request items for you! Call or stop into the library and we can give you your library account number and show you how to get started!
Staff will gladly send a fax or make copies for you. Patron confidentiality and privacy will always be maintained for your protection.